May 27, 2012

A Note from the WFTDA Annual Meeting

The annual meeting of any distributed organization like the WFTDA has two primary purposes: to take advantage of the gathering to conduct as much business and planning as possible (we all hate meetings, but they're usually faster than phone calls and emails for complicated issues), and to energize the membership to go home and do all those things we just talked about. The afterparty is just getting started as I type this, so it's a little early to tell for certain, but I'd say this year's meeting succeeded on both counts.

About the first goal, I can only say that we live in exciting times.

And I want to go have a couple drinks at the party, so instead of trying to inspire you with a huge motivational speech to cover the second (I'm not so good at those anyway), I'm going to leave you with a quick little nugget of wisdom. If you love this sport, put in some effort to make it better. Work on your own skills, and work on building a community of respect and trust.

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